Wednesday, April 19

Young Women's Chapter meeting

This will be at Latifa's on Friday 26th May from 7pm to 9pm.

Monthly Youth Chapter Tozo - May & June

The chapter youth tozo for May and June will be held from 2pm to 5pm at Kalley's on:

Saturday, 20th of May
Saturday, 17th of June

The dates of the meeting for the rest of the year are:
15th of July,
19th of August,
16th of September,
21st of October,
18th of November,
16th of December

Tuesday, April 11

Discussion Meetings

The theme for discussion meetings this month in Brockley is -

Do we really believe that we are all inherently Buddhas. What impact does have on us and our behaviour towards others?

The quote from this month's gosho study on the 'The True Aspect of all Phenomena' in the Art of Living says

'....ordinary people are in fact, originally and inherently Buddhas'

The meetings are on
Friday 21st April at Roberta's
Sunday 23rd April at Andrea/Zarah's

Kosen Rufu gongyo in May

Just to let you know that the venue has changed from Agnes Mannah's manor h0use to Teresa Earle's stately pile in Tyrwhitt Road.

Kosen Rufu Gongyo, Sunday 7 May, 10.30am

For those of you who might be interested, there is also a Tyrwhitt Road in Singapore that is also in a conservation area.

Wednesday, April 5

Trets courses

Trets is the home of SGI's European Culture Centre. Courses are held there thourghout the year for members from all across Europe.

There will be a courses for new members 21st-26th May & 6th -11th June.

There will be a general course open to all members over New Year from 29th December - 3rd January 2007.

For more details contact Geraldine

Mimosa and Young Eagle Activities

Mimosa (girls) and Young Eagles (boys) are the SGI-UK's groups for children of members.

The next Mimosa activity is on 28th May at South London Centre (time to be confirmed)

The next Young Eagles activity will be on 27th May 11 - 3pm (venue to be confirmed)

Friday, March 31

Daimoku chart for SE London HQ Course

thanks to Graeme for scanning and sending this

Wednesday, March 29

District Tozos

There will tozos on the first three Saturdays of April to chant for the success of the HQ course on 10th & 11th June at the South London Centre, Brixton.

1st April - 10am-12pm at Sasa's

8th April - 5-6pm at Geraldine's - from 3-5pm Geraldine will also be hosting the planning meeting for the District Discussion meeting.

15th April - 10am-12pm at Sasa's

Do take the opportunity to join in and chant with other Brockley members - chanting with others is so much nicer than chanting alone, isn't it?

April Schedule

The April Schedule is now available to download.

If you have any problems, please leave a comment and I will sort it out.

Monday, March 20

2006 Peace Proposal

"On the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), I would like to present some ideas that can contribute to humanity’s shared quest for a global society of peace and creative coexistence."

Daisaku Ikeda's 2006 Peace Proposal is now available.

A New Era of the People: Forging a Global Network of Robust Individuals

Tuesday, March 14

SGI - To My Friends

Would you like to receive Daily Guidance daily (!) by e-mail. John Scobie, a UK member linving in Japan, provides this service to members all over the world.

Each day he sends to literally thousands of people around the world translations of President Ikeda's "To My Friends" and "Words of the Week"published in the Seikyo Shimbun, as well as Daily Guidance and SGI headlines.

Here's the address to email. All you have to do is email - - and write "Subscribe" in the subject box once you been directed to the address - it's that simple!

For your diary - HQ Course

The next HQ course will be held at The South London Centre, Brixton on the 10th & 11th June.

Chapter leaders are organising the course and have been covering several areas like responsibility (transport, first aid, soka etc), theme, content, lecturers.

The attendance target is for 120 people amongst members, Naitokus and guests. Each chapter can have 40 people through all divisions to attend the course.

This year is the SGI YEAR of YOUTH and DYNAMIC GROWTH and for UK it is the YEAR of the DISTRICT.

The Districts are therefore the main protagonists of this course.

Susan Pritchard at the HQ and Chapter Leaders Assembly at Taplow said “At the start of this year let’s advance as if reborn with the spirit of YOUTH. ...Let each one of us create actual proof of dynamic growth”.

One of the features of the HQ Course will be a Q&A session. So keep note any unanswered questions you may have at the time of the course.

Leaders we have been encouraged to read again VOL. 10 of THE HUMAN REVOLUTION and to encourage everyone to read it

A Daimoku chart is being prepared but everyone is free to set his/her personal chanting target. The target is to chant half a million Daimoku towards the course

March discussion meeting

The theme for this month's discussion meeting will

Worldpeace - Kosen Rufu: how do we make it happen in our daily life?

Roberta will be hosting it on Friday 24 March at 7.30pm.

Rob will be moderating