Tuesday, February 28

March Study - correction

This month's gosho is The True Aspect of All Phenomena.

Gaetan Cabon, ably assisted by Geraldine Walsh,will be giving the study lecture at Andrea & Zarah's on Sunday 12th March at 10.30am.

Friday, February 24

March Schedule

March schedule - this is a beta test for making the schedule available to download.
Do please let me know if it doesn't work. You can do so by leaving a comment on this page

Thursday, February 23

Reminder....Discussion Meetings

‘What is fighting Faith?’
Fri. 24th Feb at Roberta's 7.30pm
Sun 26th Feb at Andrea/Zarah’s 10.30am

'The mighty sword of the Lotus Sutra must be wielded by one courageous in faith. Then one will be as stong as a demon armed with an iron staff.' Reply to Kyo’o

Men's Division Meetings

There is a new format to local Men's Division activities

Regular chanting at West Greenwich House continues every Thursday but the actual discussion meeting will now be held at Chapter level.

There will be National Mens' Division daimoku meeting on Monday 27th February at 7.30pm at the South London Centre.

Saturday, February 18

Youth Division meeting

Chapter Youth Meeting at Aiman's Sunday 26th February, 2-4pm

Theme of the meeting: "Gratitude"

Tuesday, February 14

President Ikeda publishes his annual peace proposal

"TOKYO, Japan, January 26: In his annual peace proposal issued today, SGI (Soka Gakkai International) President Daisaku Ikeda calls for improved relations between China and Japan. He also calls for a summit-level meeting of all the states currently participating in the Six-Party Talks on the issue of North Korean nuclear disarmament."
Press release from SGI

The Peace Proposal is being translated. As soon as this is done, I will put a link on this site so that everyone is able to download it


Geraldine is holding a few tozos this month. Here are the dates:
Friday 17th @ 7.30pm
Tuesday 21st @ 11.30am
Friday 3rd March @ 7.30pm

Do go along. Enjoy the delightful spirit of Geraldine's hospitality, support yourself and the district.

Discussion Meetings for February

‘What is fighting Faith?’
Fri. 24th Feb at Roberta's 7.30pm

Sun 26th Feb at Andrea/Zarah’s 10.30am

'The mighty sword of the Lotus Sutra must be wielded by one courageous in faith. Then one will be as stong as a demon armed with an iron staff.' Reply to Kyo’o

Friday, February 3

Reply to Kyo'o

February's Gosho for study this month is Reply to Kyo'o.

The Study Meeting will be on 10.30am Sunday 12th February at Andrea and Zarah's and will include a DVD of a lecture by SGI Study Department Chief Katsuji Saito.

SGI-USA have published an article on the gosho as part of their 2005 Study programme. Their Study Review page also includes translations of the article into Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean and Spanish.

Thursday, February 2

HQ Kick Off

Wednesday 8th February at 7pm

Charlton House

Map and Transport links

Wednesday, February 1

Just received info

Just received info  -
H.Q kick off will start at 7pm

Latest dates for February

Sunday 5th
KR Gongyo at Agnes's10.30am

Wednesday 8th
HQ Kick off 7.30pm Charlton House

Saturday 11th
Discussion meeting planning 3-5pm at Roberta's

Sunday 12th
Study meeting (DVD of lecture by Mr Saito) 10.30am at Andrea/Zarah's

Friday 24th
Discussion meeting 7.30pm at Roberta's

Sunday 26th
Discussion meeting 10.30am at Andrea/Zarah's

HQ course kick off - 8th feb:

HQ kick off
(meeting to launch & set up planning for HQ course)

Date: Wednesday 8 February
Venue: Charlton House
Time: 7.30pm

All welcome