Wednesday, April 19

Young Women's Chapter meeting

This will be at Latifa's on Friday 26th May from 7pm to 9pm.

Monthly Youth Chapter Tozo - May & June

The chapter youth tozo for May and June will be held from 2pm to 5pm at Kalley's on:

Saturday, 20th of May
Saturday, 17th of June

The dates of the meeting for the rest of the year are:
15th of July,
19th of August,
16th of September,
21st of October,
18th of November,
16th of December

Tuesday, April 11

Discussion Meetings

The theme for discussion meetings this month in Brockley is -

Do we really believe that we are all inherently Buddhas. What impact does have on us and our behaviour towards others?

The quote from this month's gosho study on the 'The True Aspect of all Phenomena' in the Art of Living says

'....ordinary people are in fact, originally and inherently Buddhas'

The meetings are on
Friday 21st April at Roberta's
Sunday 23rd April at Andrea/Zarah's

Kosen Rufu gongyo in May

Just to let you know that the venue has changed from Agnes Mannah's manor h0use to Teresa Earle's stately pile in Tyrwhitt Road.

Kosen Rufu Gongyo, Sunday 7 May, 10.30am

For those of you who might be interested, there is also a Tyrwhitt Road in Singapore that is also in a conservation area.

Wednesday, April 5

Trets courses

Trets is the home of SGI's European Culture Centre. Courses are held there thourghout the year for members from all across Europe.

There will be a courses for new members 21st-26th May & 6th -11th June.

There will be a general course open to all members over New Year from 29th December - 3rd January 2007.

For more details contact Geraldine

Mimosa and Young Eagle Activities

Mimosa (girls) and Young Eagles (boys) are the SGI-UK's groups for children of members.

The next Mimosa activity is on 28th May at South London Centre (time to be confirmed)

The next Young Eagles activity will be on 27th May 11 - 3pm (venue to be confirmed)